26 februar 2011

en hilsen fra "anonymous"

by CPL 
on Sat, 02/26/2011 - 02:53

It was 18 months ago...18 months ago.  Seriously if you traded for a living you already knew these assholes, and most of them needed their mother's, father's, sister's, brother's and kin killed  by proper poisoning three years ago.
Since anon voted the idea down so give people that "know" a chance to correct themselves.  Since it's not happening.  five months.  All business as usual until we all drop the hammer on all communications...all of it...including the fag plane flying over head, we built it, we own it, the US army is only renting.  Seriously. 
Aug 31st 2011.  Then the lights go out where required.  Sorry's going out to DC, Orleans, Florida, NYC and a couple of others as required.  Not involved in it, however Saudi is going for a big kill fest next week on Thurs EST, another in rational time, its called after "church" for those that live there.  220 a barrel is happening, so is 20 dollar a gallon milk, that'll be the end of it.  All of it.
The Man has alway been on the radar.  As anon, we own all communications by proxy of building it and fixing it.  We built it, we own it.  The MAN rents it.  The MAN is heading to rented bunkers in the middle of nowhere.  What the MAN doesn't understand is they walk in, the MAN doesn't walk out.  anon doesn't have to do a thing, it'll be lord of the flies under ground with friends and family.  These are people that do not live by rules on the surface, put the pile of assholes together underground...how long do you think they will last before soylent green is people?

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